Portfolio Route TO Full Membership


Portfolio Route for SBHS HEALTH AND WELLNESS COACHING Full Membership

Are you practicing as a health coach, care coach, wellness coach, wellbeing coordinator or you would like to use health coaching in your practice?


Establishing a national training and competency standard that indicates the attainment of a minimum level of relevant knowledge and skills in the core competencies of evidence-based health and wellness coaching is an essential benchmark to safeguard everyone involved. To assure doctors and patients of the quality and competency of health and wellness coaches in Singapore who will work with them on the lifestyle prescriptions, it is necessary for health and wellness coaching to be conducted by registered professionals who have received sufficient clinical education and coaching training. To demonstrate the desired level of competency, to-be health and wellness coaches will go through a comprehensive assessment process encompassing written educational testing, practical skills assessment, and mentored observation.

SBHS launched the competency framework for health and wellness coaching in Singapore in October 2023 to advance the state of health and wellness coaching by building the desired level of competency of Health and Wellness Coaches and the setting up of a Registry for Health and Wellness Coaches in Singapore. 

SBHS is committed to foster a comprehensive and inclusive approach to the education, training, and assessment of health and wellness coaches, acknowledging both their existing competencies and the need for continuous professional development in a field that is ever-evolving.

More information on the competency framework, skills, knowledge and performance criteria can be found on SBHS website under The Health Coaching Chapter segment at https://www.sgbehaviouralhealth.com/health-coaching-framework-standards.

SBHS Portfolio pathway presents an opportunity for those who did not complete a SBHS-Recognised Health and Wellness Coaching training programme but POSSESS evidence of relevant qualifications (certification or education programme in relevant fields with length of 32 hours and less will NOT be eligible) and working experience to be considered a professional health and wellness coach.


The Portfolio Route to Full Membership was developed to recognise various pathways to practice that exist for health and wellness coaching professionals, and the fact that there are many health and wellness coaches in Singapore and people with the experience and knowledge practicing as health coaches, care coaches, wellness coaches, and wellbeing coordinators (just to name a few) who have either gone through on-the-job training programmes at the workplace or have graduated from training courses not from our training partners. SBHS acknowledges the valuable experience and skills that practicing health and wellness coaches bring to the field. The Portfolio Route allows these individuals to have their competencies in health and wellness coaching recognised and validated, ensuring a fair and equitable approach to their professional development and portability of their competencies for career mobility and progression.

To apply for Full Membership in Health and Wellness Coaching via the Portfolio Route.

Individuals applying will need to showcase a portfolio of evidence which would be carefully evaluated using the same set of knowledge and performance criteria applied to candidates undergoing the standard assessment process. These evidence sources demonstrating one's proficiency in the required areas will include:

  1. Knowledge evidence - Written educational testing ensures that health and wellness coaches possess a solid understanding of the theoretical foundations and knowledge required for effective coaching practices. It evaluates their grasp of key concepts, principles, and best practices in the field.

  2. Product evidence - Coaching plan assessment focuses on evaluating the health and wellness coach's ability to apply their knowledge in real-world scenarios. This assessment measures their competency in using the BPSS model, lifestyle medicine knowledge, case management and intervention planning knowledge  and skills, goal setting and behavioural change theories. 

  3. Process evidence - Session recordings assessment focuses on evaluating the health and wellness coach's ability to apply their knowledge in live conversations. This assessment measures their competency in using coaching techniques, communication skills, goal setting, behaviour change strategies, and other essential skills necessary for supporting clients effectively.

Additionally, applicants are required to provide evidence of practice in the past six months and relevant educational background.

At the point of registration upon successfully demonstrating competence in the above stated assessments, applicants are required to demonstrate understanding of and agreement to abide by SBHS Health and Wellness Coaching scope of practice which is found at SBHS website (Click for more info).

The Portfolio Route allows for health and wellness professionals and practitioners to benefit from the integrity linked to a professional health and wellness coaching body membership and from SBHS and our partners resources.